Monday 6 April 2015

Started loving testing

I want to thank to my parents for giving this life.
I want to thank to my teachers for making me literate.
I want to thank to my friends for giving me wonderful memories.

Last but not the least I could not say thanks in a single word to my better half for understanding me, teaching me what is life, what is learning, where to learn, what is patience, etc.

And finally he showed a path for me. Today, I had a great day. My hubby told that today is the first day you are going to work in the corporate world and wished me. Then he went to office. After that, I could not stand on the floor. I felt nervous and hands started shivering. I was not able to walk in a straight path. In short, I was absent minded. Then finally I calmed down and was getting ready to office. I went to that office before for a meet-up. I am new to Bangalore. I don’t know much about this place. I haven’t gone anywhere alone. But today I went to the office alone.

Once I reached the office, I couldn't believe that I am in a company and I am going to learn new things.  Yes! At last I am at Test Insane Technologies Private Limited now.


I want to say special thanks to Santhosh Tuppad. I went to the office to know about software testing. But he taught us (Abi and Sandeep who is my colleague) so many things like testing, what is death etc. in a single day. I didn't expect that I can learn these many things in a single day. The things will be funny but everyone should know these things.

Now I am going to share what I have learned today.
Before that, we know that we can learn new things from our mistakes and past experience. I have told to my sister to type with two hands because I was learning typewriting. But today what happened is I went to office and Santhosh Tuppad asked me to open the laptop and gave me Wi-Fi password to connect to the internet. What I did was I just typed by one hand. Then he told me that this is your first lesson to learn to type with two hands.

That moment I realized that it is easy to say anyone to do but are we doing it regularly?

He mentioned to read about the company( I read it. Then he started to talk about testing. He gave something to learn about testing. He told that is The Bible for us (Testers).

What is Testing?

According to James Bach, “Testing is questioning a product in order to evaluate it”.

There are two important things in software testing.

1. Testing
2. Check automation 

Testing is an open-ended investigation activity because we can explore things to be tested.
Check automation is close-ended because in automation there will be some specified code to test the product.
In testing, if we see any blocker, we can think in a different way. But in automation, if it sees any blocker, it is stuck there and the code fails. Checking is part of testing not testing.

There are some people to know in testing.
1.  James Bach-
2.  Michael Bolton-
3.  Cem Kaner-
4.  Jonathan Bach-

Then he taught about how to speak to client and tester. We should understand about the target audience. And with the tester, we should have healthy argument.

There are two schools of testing.

  1.  Context-driven testing community
  2.  Process-driven testing community

      In context-driven testing community, we think of testing solution according to context. We know that things can change.
      In process-driven testing community, importance given more to the process rather than testing better.

Exploratory testing:
Tester to explore the product.
Learnt something in SBTM- Session Based Test Management.

Ad-hoc testing: 
It does not have structure. It is like monkey testing.

Santhosh Tuppad is like a doctor who gives us dosage of things to do. So that we improve in testing. They are,

  1. 10 Tweets per day
  2. 10 Testers to be followed per day
  3. 1 blog post to be written per week
  4. 1 Mind map  per day
  5. Word web software to improve vocabulary and pronunciation

Today got over. Looking forward for the second day. It is happy to learn new things. I am excited to write blogs.


  1. Great post, Good luck for your career.

    Looking forward to read more posts.

  2. Nice learnings! Keep it going :)

  3. Nice read :) Good luck, keep posting !
