Thursday, 21 May 2015


After a long gap, my learning process has restarted. I had a great experience in this meantime. “Everything is an experience” I have heard this mantra from Ajay Balamurugadas and Santhosh Tuppad frequently. Whenever they told this I was getting irritated but still it is true. I have not learnt about testing or any academic subjects in this gap. But I learnt about marriage and its work. This is the first time I was working for a marriage.

It is neither easy nor tough to do. It’s all about planning. Making a plan will not give end result. Execution is important. In this marriage, we had lots of lessons. Everyone says that marriage is a big task. It is very tough to manage all people together and so on. But now I am saying that nothing is a big task. What is big task? Big is not big, all of a sudden. Many small tasks make a big task. There are so many things to note, plan and do. I remember one lesson which I have read in Principles of Management is “Plan-Do-Check-Act”. It was very helpful to me.

The marriage process in Tamil culture is very traditional and interesting. There are so many rituals in this culture and lots of work to do. What we should do is, we have to list the things which we should do first and what should be done next. If we have such list then we will not get confused and also we will not forget the rituals. But most of us miss this part. Everything will be easy if we know the correct way of doing the tasks. I met so many people with different perspective. I think that perception causes confusion between people. Even in between all the confusion, the function got over successfully. I learnt loads of lessons. 
  • One should not blame others for doing any work. Everyone has different potential of different works. Helping is good. On the other hand not to disturb someone’s work is very good. 
  • We should not give or share our work to others. It might create confusion or that work will be pending. 
  • Focus is very important. In our mind different thoughts will be processing but still we have to be focus on what we are doing at present. 
  • We have to give equal importance to honoring people and hospitality. 
  • Anytime we should have a small hand-book and pen with us. It will be useful to note down what we did and what we kept as pending. 
  • One should not ask others to do our work because not everyone will do it as perfectly as we do our work. If we pay them, may be they will do. But everyone is not like that. Nowadays money matters rather than people. 
  • So we have to be cautious at all the time to everyone whether they are friends or relatives.